Please support our PTO gift card program:
If you are planning to give any gift cards this holiday season (and even beyond), why not order them through the Pine Glen PTO? You get full value for your cards and the PTO gets a "commission" for selling it, much like the gift cards you might buy in the local supermarket. You win with convenient, one stop shopping, and you also WIN AGAIN when the PTO gets more money to help us defray the costs of many valuable programs including: field trips, materials for the Library and Technology Center (LTC) that benefit ALL students, field day, and many, many others. This is a great, painless way to support our school.
You may place your order online or by returning the paper forms that were recently sent home. For forms or questions please Email: Joanne Shortell at The deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 4th at 12 Noon.
Thank You"