Wednesday, January 26, 2011

                           Making geometric snowmen in Math.

Believe it or not we have been making progress in our class with all the snow days we had lately. Every student has recently been tested for their reading comprehension skills and we are learning about area and perimeter in math. The tables test will commence this week and students will be using this knowledge to assist in finding the area of many common items.  The Massachusetts Biographies are coming together nicely. The children are working on their biography page for the class book. This writing will be helpful for the speech each student will be giving in the classroom the week of February 18th. A schedule will be coming home with the monthly newsletter with a date and time for these presentations.

Please send in an empty cereal or tissue box for the Valentine's Day Party. Monthly notices will eventually be posted here. Until then I will continue to send these as a paper copy with the students.

Let it snow Let it snow Let it snow...

Multiplication Table Test Masters

               Table tests will be complete on the 28th of JANUARY.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hot dogs roasting on a circuit 

We love science in 205

It's Electric in here

Dancing to Jingle Bells

Ryan's Holiday tree

Holiday Fun

Happy New Year

2011 has many new and exciting things in store for Room 205. I can't wait to beginning.
In math we will start our next unit on measurement . We will explore the difference between area and perimeter. Everyone will get a chance to find the area of their foot and learn how to apply multiplication to real life.
Science we will be learning about the poles and how our world is one big magnet . We will be designing a compass and learn about the true north and the magnetic north.
Guided reading will be on the subject of snow. We will read a biography on Wilson Bentley and learn how snow is related to geometry.
In social studies we will introduce the Industrial Revolution and how life in Massachusetts changed from farmimg to industry.
Our personal narratives will come to an end and students will begin publishing their writing once again in the form of a booklet.

This month we also will start the next monthly project. This is a two month project that involves researching a famous Massachusetts person. Once this is done ,then the students will give a 3-5 minute presentation in character of this person. The presentations will be the week before February vacation.